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Rock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa (RAHMSA) 1/3
Friday November 29, 10:30/12:00
The "Presenting rock art sites" symposium is part of a collaborative programme called "Rock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa" (RAHMSA). This programme is an International Research Network (IRN) funded by the CNRS and aims to strengthen partnerships between several southern African countries and France on issues related to the preservation and valorisation of rock art sites (See Appendix 2).
110 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiRock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa (RAHMSA) 2/3
Friday November 29, 14:00/17:30
The "Presenting rock art sites" symposium is part of a collaborative programme called "Rock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa" (RAHMSA). This programme is an International Research Network (IRN) funded by the CNRS and aims to strengthen partnerships between several southern African countries and France on issues related to the preservation and valorisation of rock art sites (See Appendix 2).
110 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiRock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa (RAHMSA) 3/3
Saturday November 30, 14:00/17:30
The "Presenting rock art sites" symposium is part of a collaborative programme called "Rock Art Heritage Management in Southern Africa" (RAHMSA). This programme is an International Research Network (IRN) funded by the CNRS and aims to strengthen partnerships between several southern African countries and France on issues related to the preservation and valorisation of rock art sites (See Appendix 2).
110 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'hui