Basket Ball Masculin
Session with a coach
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
80 places78 places restantesHeureDuréeGym / Salle de musculation et cardio training
Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. NO BAG IN THE ROOM.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule. This session cannot be validated by QR code.
Towel on the equipment, clean indoor sneakers (in your bag) - Disinfection of equipment with sprays Minors must be accompanied by an adult throughout the session. This area must be kept free of clutter (sports bags and backpacks).
25 places10 places restantesHeureDurée1000 Abdos
Activity supervised by a coach which takes place in the dance hall on the 1st floor. 30 minutes for abs made of concrete, a combination of contraction and sheathing work, perfect for a flat stomach and a reinforced abdominal belt.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiAfroVibe
AfroVibe is a fitness dance concept inspired by Afro-descendant dances which combines choreography, fitness and letting go.
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiArchery / Tir à l'arc
Archery allows you to work the entire body and helps improve coordination of movements. A professional coach supervises this practice. Material available and made available. Individual reservation.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
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14 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBachata
Bachata is a sensual dance set to Latino music from the Dominican Republic.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the area.
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBadminton
This section is reserved for people wishing to benefit from the coach's advice. The Monday lunchtime and Thursday evening sessions are open access without a coach.
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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28 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBadminton libre
This session cannot be validated by QR code.
The Badminton is a sport played on a court, in which a shuttlecock is passed back and forth over a net using rackets.
The equipment is at your disposal. The session is free and unsupervised.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the area.
28 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBasket Ball Féminin
Session with a coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the area.
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80 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBasket Ball libre
The equipment is at your disposal. The session is free and unsupervised and cannot be validated by QR code.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
20 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBaskIN (Inclusive Basketball)
An adapted basketball sport, enabling "able-bodied" and "disabled" people to play. Innovative with specific rules, baskIN is inspired by both a sport (basketball) and an inclusive approach, enabling everyone to play.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes oare in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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6 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBody Karate
Concept that combines martial arts movements, essentially karate techniques, with a cardio rhythm, all to music.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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35 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBoxe anglaise 2h
English boxing is a combat sport between two opponents in which only punches are allowed, on the chest and face, with the hands protected by boxing gloves. Session with a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Friday : Boxe anglaise & boxe thaï
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBoxe anglaise 2h30
English boxing is a combat sport between two opponents in which only punches are allowed, on the chest and face, with the hands protected by boxing gloves. Session supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiBoxe Thaï
A combat sport that allows you to use your feet, fists, elbows and knees to impact your opponent and develop self-defense.
Session supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
45 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiCircuit training
A complete activity to improve overall fitness.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiClimbing Beginners 1 /Escalade débutant
Important: Scan the QR Code to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
It is important to come at the time of your reservation.
Practice is supervised by a coach. Free access to this space is not permitted. The use of specific slippers is strongly recommended.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
24 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiClimbing confirmed 2 /Escalade confirmé
This session cannot be validated by QR code.
Reserved for practitioners who have validated their autonomy certificate on mondays and Wednesdays with certified coaches.
Beginners are invited to sign up for monday (between 5 pm and 7 pm) or Wednesday sessions between 12 and 2 pm.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
20 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiCross Kick Fitness
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
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35 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiCross Training
Cross training is a functional workout that uses high-intensity cross-training methods to work all the muscles in your body. Increase your physical strength and endurance with a range of functional movements.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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30 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiCuisses Abdos Fessiers
Muscle-strengthening session for targeted areas, set to music. Supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
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50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiDance and Martial arts Room / Salle de danse et arts martiaux
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms.
Sports shoes are in your bag when tour arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the room.
The use of gloves for punching bags is compulsory.
The session is free and unsupervised.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiEssec Dance Crew
Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the room.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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25 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiFutsal F
To the SRC with a coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the room.
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiFutsal Libre
This session cannot be validated by QR code.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the room
12 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiFutsal Staff
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
No bag in the hallsports
14 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiFutsal Tournament
Futsal tournament
Teams will be formed on site at the SRC at 4pm. Registration is individual.
Register on affluences “futsal tournament”.
Bring your own pair of sports shoes in your bag.
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiH.I.I.T
HIIT is a functional workout that uses high-intensity cross-training methods to work all the muscles in your body. Increase your physical strength and endurance with a range of functional movements. Session with a coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
35 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiHandball Féminin
To the SRC with a coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. NO BAG IN THE ROOM
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiHandball Masculin
To the SRC with a coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
Aucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiJudo
An unarmed combat sport of Japanese origin, consisting of unbalancing an opponent in order to disable him.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
25 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiKrav Maga
A self-defense course with a coach that reduces danger quickly and effectively. Learn how to defend yourself in situations of aggression, kidnapping, combat or armed attack.
Tuesday : 1h30 session
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. NO BAG IN THE ROOM
35 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiRowing / Aviron
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
8 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiRowing / Aviron PPG
ROWING TEAM SESSION in art martial's room.
Important: Scan the QR Code to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
20 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiRowing Ext. / Aviron Ext.
Avant de réserver, il faut préalablement s'inscrire auprès d'Emma Viron sur Messenger avant de confirmer le créneau sur Affluences.
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Contact the club for mor informations.
15 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiSalsa
Salsa is both a musical genre and a fast-paced Afro-Cuban couple dance.Session supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiSophrologie
An exclusively verbal method, sophrology employs a set of techniques that act on both the body and the mind. Session supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
15 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiSports hall / Salle Omnisports
This session cannot be validated with the QR code.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag, not on your feet. No bag in this area.
Aucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiSwimming club H2O
The classes begin on 23.09.
Contact the BDS for more informations or ESSEC_h20 on instagram.
Meet to the swimming pool to "parvis de Cergy" 5' walk
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
30 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiTable tennis / Tennis de table
Session with a coach on the monday. Free session on the thursday. One jour / session
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session on the monday/ Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in this area.
22 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiTennis ROOF TOP
It is important to respect your reservation schedule so as not to penalize other users.
The desk is able to lend you equipment between 9am and 7pm, Monday to Friday. Outside these hours, the storage room is not accessible, so you'll need to bring your own sports equipment.
In the event of unavailability, please cancel your reservation.
2 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiTotal Body Work
A class that works the whole body and burns a maximum number of calories. TABATA (HIIT) format with upbeat music.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
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50 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiVolley advanced/perfectionnement
Reserved for the selected team
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
16 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiVolley Féminin
Session with a coach.
Reserved for the team.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
Follow us on instagram Essec_Sport
18 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiVolley libre
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
The equipment is at your disposal.
The session is free and unsupervised.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.Follow us on instagram Essec_Sport
16 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiVolley Masculin
To the SRC with a coach.
Reserved for the team.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.Follow us on instagram Essec_Sport
30 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiYoga
Yoga is a complete system of physical, mental and spiritual training. It's a set of postures and exercises combined with controlled breathing that promotes physical and mental well-being.
Important: Individual reservation/ respect the reservation schedule/ bring a towel
Put your belongings in the lockers. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
Follow us on instagram Essec_Sport
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiZumba
With a coach
A fitness program of Colombian origin, combining aerobics and fitness with Latin dance rhythms and choreography.Supervised by a professional coach.
Important: Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the area.
40 placesAucun créneau disponible pour aujourd'huiHandball libre
The equipment is at your disposal. The session is free and unsupervised. This session cannot be validated by QR code.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet.
You help to tidy up the equipment on loan.
16 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - Handball libreNIGHTMINTON_Badminton
Edition 2
A new sporting event, a room plunged into darkness, fluorescent lighting, black light, music and BADMINTON...
it's a Nightminton evening!
Dress code: WHITE
you book for one hour it is important to respect the time slot you have chosen
25 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - NIGHTMINTON_BadmintonPilates
Gentle gymnastics combining deep breathing and slow movements, designed to strengthen postural muscles for harmonious body development.
Tuesday class lasts 1 hour Thursday class lasts 45'
Important: Scan the QR Code with the coach to validate the session / Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in the room
22 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - PilatesStretching
With a coach.
Stretching is a gentle form of stretching. Based on slow, controlled movements combined with deep breathing, stretching invites you to relax and unwind. Relax, stretch muscles, gain flexibility, improve mobility
Please, bring an other pair of sports shoes and clean.
No bag in the room
30 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - StretchingTable tennis free / Tennis de table libre
Free session on the thursday without coach. One hour /sesssion.
Individual reservation / respect the reservation schedule.
Your personal belongings will remain in the changing rooms. Sports shoes are in your bag when you arrive in the SRC, not on your feet. No bag in this area.
24 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - Table tennis free / Tennis de table libreTable Tennis Tournament
- Plan to be available for the 2 hours of the tournament- Clean shoes and in the bag required- End of registrations on 10.12- Rackets and balls provided
32 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - Table Tennis TournamentVoguing
Cours du Bureau des Arts ouverts à tous
40 placesMalheureusement il n'y a plus aucune disponibilitéVeuillez contacter l'établissement pour plus d'informationsContacter l'é disponibilité de réservation - ESSEC - Sports and recreation center (SRC) - Sport - Voguing