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Declaration of accessibility

Affluences is committed to making its public applications accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005. To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions: annual audit of public applications against two accessibility standards: RGAA and WCAG. This accessibility declaration applies to the website. The website is partially compliant with the General Accessibility Guidelines and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The compliance audit carried out internally and by several Affluences client companies reveals that :

  • 70% of RGAA criteria met.
  • The average compliance rate for online service is 81%.
  • 95% of WCAG criteria met

Link to RGAA report (nueva pestaña)

Pages of the site that have been verified:

If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another format.

This statement was established on 07/20/2024.